Category Archives: Messages

Now you are talking

I booked a session with a medium to talk to my dad. The way it happened was interesting in itself, as this medium had at least a six month waiting list if not longer. But her holiday was cancelled and so she offered some slots on Facebook. So instead of having to wait until November, I got an appointment three weeks later. The most surprising thing is that I saw her message on Facebook announcing some openings as I very rarely go on there. I know, however, that when spirits conspires, it transpires. In other words, spirit works overtime to make things happen.

I was very disappointed by the mediumship performance I went to last week. It wasn’t because the medium was not good: she was brilliant. But because I didn’t get any messages and with one grand mother, three aunts, an uncle and a father in heaven, that is quite a disappointment. Somehow, I wasn’t surprised though because my father was a very private man. I don’t think he would have wanted to put me on the front stage. I don’t think I would like it either, now that I think of it. I am very private myself.

He was there at today’s appointment all right. And boy did he chat. He was unstoppable. The funniest was how he explained that he was finding it very hard to adjust to what the spirit world is like because it isn’t anything like what he had been brainwashed to think by the Catholic Church. He is finding it hard to get his head around it. He showed the medium how he died of pneumonia. And it’s true, although he suffered from advanced brain tumour, it’s a lung infection that actually sped things up and got him to the other side in less than a week.

He thanked me for all the healing prayers I did for him. That was good because I knew he would have not approved of me doing it but it felt right to do it. Healing is still considered by most churches, particularly the Catholic Church, as evil which is particularly ironic considering Jesus was one of the most powerful healers of all times. It’s always hard to know what is right to do for a loved one: do you respect their faith or do you do what you know is right? But he says he finally understands me now. And he can’t apologise enough.

It was good to hear how much he likes my book about death and dying. For a devout catholic, that’s surprising but it goes to show that once we are on the other side, our understanding broadens dramatically. In his own words, he can see things so much more clearly now. He even showed the medium what happened at the time of his passing: apparently he walked up a hill into a monastery of some sort. I am not surprised in the least. My father was such a devout catholic he nearly became a priest and then, I would have never have written this blog. Phew. Life sometimes hangs to a thin thread. He was told he didn’t have it to be a priest and to go home and get married and start a family. Yes!!!

But the sweetest of all was him confirming that the dream I had about him last night was real. Yes, he did come to visit me for the first time in my dreams, in preparation for today. And he said how grateful and appreciative he was to be able to speak to me through a medium today.

Before he said goodbye, he said he would be there in spirit for my wedding next year. I already bought the garland that I will put in my hair and he described it in detail, as if he was there when I bought it. Now, that should give anyone goosebumps.

The medium I saw today knew nothing about my Dad. She didn’t know he was a devout catholic. She didn’t know how he had died, let alone what he died of. She didn’t know my Dad had good reasons to feel sorry and to apologise the way he did to me. She didn’t know I placed my father in a prayer circle, nor that I lit a candle for him as he was dying in his hospital bed in a beautiful church in Montmartre. The level of details she gave was very impressive.


Ange de Lumiere